Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Obligatory First Post

I don't know why, but for me, first blog posts are always awkward - like the band geek at the homecoming dance (oh, wait, that was me).  But, I do know that my current setting sums up the theme of this blog pretty well.  As I sit here in my sons' bathroom writing this, at 1:45 in the afternoon, my two sons (ages 2 and 4.916666666 years old) are in a bathtub filled to the brim with Mr. Bubbles and eating popsicles.  My older son (you know, the one that is 4.9166666 years old) is correcting me that the flavor of his popsicle is not orange - it's orange cream - as he eats it with a plastic trowel that he found in the bucket of bath toys.  My younger son, on the other hand, is giving himself a full Mr. Bubble beard and attempting to dump a (toy) garbage can filled with water over his brother's head all why holding an orange cream popsicle.  And I really should be drafting affidavits, because I am a lawyer and that's what lawyers do.  But I am also a mom.

I am beyond fortunate that I have the opportunity to work mostly from home and spend time with my boys as they navigate from babies to toddlers to preschoolers.  But, sometimes it is tough forcing the business world and home life to align.  Simultaneously.  Day after day.  This blog details my successes (and struggles!) as a work-from-home mom.  I look forward to sharing a snapshot of my life with you, but, if you'll excuse me, I have to go break up a water spitting and pinching fight.  And then I'll get back to drafting those affidavits....

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